Master Software Design & Architecture

A comprehensive guide to mastering the art of full-stack development.

Full-Stack Tao Book Cover


Software development is about more than shipping features - it's about building code that stands the test of time and remains adaptable to changing requirements. This book teaches principles of maintainable software design, demonstrating how key patterns apply across REST APIs, front-end state, or tiny scripts.

You’ll see domain logic, data access, and transport layers in action, and learn to manage clarity and flexibility. Through practical examples like splitting monolithic handlers or extracting front-end logic, you'll learn to handle complexity with confidence.

We cover duplication, reusability, and more, showing why some repetition may beat overkill abstractions. By the end, you’ll refine your taste in code, knowing how to create maintainable software in any environment.


  • Aspiring full-stack developers
  • Experienced developers looking to expand their skill set
  • Computer science students seeking practical knowledge
  • Self-taught programmers aiming to fill knowledge gaps


react logoreact
node logonode
express logoexpress
react-query logoreact-query
typescript logotypescript
...and more

Full-Stack Tao uses popular technologies to explain key concepts. However, the principles and rules discussed in this book are applicable across all programming languages and technology stacks. The goal is to teach you timeless software design principles that you can apply throughout your career, regardless of the specific tools you're using.


Section 1: Breaking Ground

  1. A Story
  2. Good Code Doesn't Take More Time
  3. Maintainability
  4. Everything Matters
  5. Why We Don't Learn Software Design
  6. Why We Need Principles
  7. Principles Instead of Dogma
  8. Do Not Follow Paradigms Blindly
  9. Quality Can Be Objective
  10. Structure Helps Teams Grow
  11. Why Full-Stack?

Section 2: Framing the Structure

  1. Learn the Building Blocks
  2. Tactical & Strategic Code
  3. Variables
  4. Bad Naming
  5. Conditionals
  6. Use Empty Collections
  7. Functions Should Be at One Level of Abstraction
  8. Functions in Detail
  9. Loops
  10. Performance vs Maintainability
  11. Program Errors Out of ExistenceRead for free

Section 3: Adding Walls and Insulation

  1. How Can a Function Know Something?
  2. Knowledge and Responsibilities
  3. The Single Responsibility Principle
  4. The Interface Segregation PrincipleRead for free
  5. The Liskov Substitution Principle
  6. Dependency Injection
  7. Dependency Inversion
  8. Context as Conditional Dependency Injection
  9. The Open/Closed Principle
  10. Designing APIs
  11. Build Your Intuition

Section 4: Wiring and Plumbing

  1. The Types are Always There
  2. Functional Core, Imperative Shell
  3. The Layers in Every Application
  4. Clean Architecture in ReactRead for free
  5. Another Approach to Clean Architecture
  6. Building a Well-Structured REST APIRead for free
  7. Locality of BehaviorRead for free
  8. Repeating Yourself Twice
  9. Modularity
  10. Managing Modules
  11. Don't Overinvest in Architecture
  12. Naming Components
  13. State Management
  14. Design Practically
  15. Managing Query Logic
  16. Hiding Information With Abstractions
  17. Extracting Custom Hooks
  18. Extracting Domain Objects
  19. API Schemas as the Source of Truth
  20. Business Logic in a REST API
  21. Criticism of Custom Hooks
  22. Styling ApplicationsRead for free
  23. Dealing with Forms

Section 5: Furnishing the Rooms

  1. Using Tools
  2. Designing a Lambda Function
  3. Designing a Script
  4. Code Quality is a Result of Culture
  5. Remove Complexity with Product Decisions
  6. Junior Engineers Need Structure
  7. Design the Interface First
  8. Centralize Authentication Logic
  9. A Testing PhilosophyRead for free
  10. How to Write Good Comments
  11. ORMs and Query Builders
  12. Dealing with Complexity in the Data Layer
  13. Don't Put Domain Logic in DatabasesRead for free

Section 6: Finishing Touches and Beyond

  1. Start with the DomainRead for free
  2. Setting Up the ProjectRead for free
  3. Picking a Tech StackRead for free
  4. How to Build a Feature
  5. Avoid Design Systems
  6. Architectural Decision Records
  7. Debating Software Design
  8. Buy vs Build
  9. The Cost of Scalability
  10. Improving Existing Codebases
  11. Notes on Refactoring
  12. Indie Hacking
  13. The Perfect System Doesn't ExistRead for free


This is a code example from one of the chapters in the book. It shows how we apply the concept of locality of behavior to react-query. Even though it's a concept conceived long before this library existed, it's a great example of how good design principles can be timeless.

Normally, we'd keep the HTTP request logic in "services" following the idea of separation of concerns. We'd hold the schemas separately, and keep the query in the component it's used in. But things that change together should be close together - this gives us better maintainability.

We don't make changes to all our requests at once, nor do we change all our schemas together. When we have to make changes to any of them, it's most likely in the context of a single request. So we often have to modify the query, the schema and the function making the API call. It's better to keep them together.

export const createCommentInputSchema = z.object({
discussionId: z.string().min(1, "Required"),
body: z.string().min(1, "Required"),
export type CreateCommentInput = z.infer<typeof createCommentInputSchema>;
export const createComment = ({ data }: { data: CreateCommentInput }): Promise<Comment> => {
return"/comments", data);
type UseCreateCommentOptions = {
discussionId: string;
mutationConfig?: MutationConfig<typeof createComment>;
export const useCreateComment = ({
}: UseCreateCommentOptions) => {
const queryClient = useQueryClient();
const { onSuccess, ...restConfig } = mutationConfig || {};
return useMutation({
onSuccess: (...args) => {
mutationFn: createComment,


Is this book suitable for beginners?

While Full-Stack Tao covers advanced topics, it's designed to be accessible to developers at all levels. It starts from fundamental concepts and builds up to more advanced topics. Beginners will find it challenging, but rewarding.

Do I need to know all the technologies mentioned to benefit from this book?

No, you don't need to be an expert in all the technologies covered. The book focuses on universal principles that can be applied across different tech stacks. Familiarity with React & Node.js is recommended but if you're proficient in other technologies you will still be able to follow along.

How is this book different from other programming books?

Full-Stack Tao doesn't teach you the syntax of a library or how to build applications with a specific stack. It teaches you principles of good software design so you can build maintainable products.

Is there any practical project work in the book?

The book shows a lot of practical examples, but it's not a project-based book. It focuses on principles and every chapter examines a particular problems.

How often is the book updated?

While the core principles remain constant, I try to keep the book up-to-date with latest trends. If the technologies used in the examples change drastically, the book will reflect these changes.

What if I don't like it?

Drop me a line and I'll give you a full refund. No questions asked. This has always been my policy and I've kept it for my previous books as well.

Do I have to read your other books?

Just read this one. It's the best one I've written so far and it covers both front-end and back-end development.


You buy me dinner and I tell you everything I've learned about software design throughout my career. It's a good deal.



Alex Kondov is a seasoned software engineer with over a decade of experience in the industry, working for both early-stage Sillicon Valley companies and large corporations.

Full-Stack Tao is a collection of everything he's learned about building maintainable software. Tired of rewriting codebases and dealing with messy legacy code, Alex set out to learn the principles of good software design. This book is a collection of all the ideas that have proven to work in his career.

His other works include Tao of React, a book focused on React.js fundamentals, and Tao of Node, a book about Node.js best practices. Follow his writing on his blog, LinkedIn and X (formerly Twitter)


I share my write-ups and thoughts on software design and architecture, together with the most interesting articles and books I find.